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When we provide our Services to our Customers, the Customer generally controls and manages the personal data, and we process personal data as a data processor or service provider.

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For example, if you applied jicrosoft a job at a local usa jobs government jobs login page six sigmacare login microsoft agency, you should contact that agency with any questions you may have relating to usa jobs government jobs login page six sigmacare login microsoft siigmacare data processing by that state agency within our Services. Where we serve as a data processor, our Customer contracts and policies require us to either instruct you to contact our Customer, or redirect your inquiry to our Customer.

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We also automatically collect data during your usage and collect other personal data about you from other sources. Your personal data will only be collected and used for purposes stated herein, where you provide additional consent, or as required by law or regulation - including national security or law enforcement requirements. We collect personal data from you directly when you visit our Services from either your computer, mobile продолжение здесь, or other device, attend one our events, or communicate with our personnel.

The categories of personal data we collect from you, including over the past year, usa jobs government jobs login page six sigmacare login microsoft the following:. Profile and employment data including your name, professional or personal postal address, professional or personal e-mail or telephone number, employer name and location, job title or area of expertise, work experience and performance data, search history, job interest cards, education history, skills, certificates, and licenses.

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Categories of personal data collected automatically include the following:. Usage data including Services you purchase, IP address, webpages microspft, what you click on, features you use, how often and when you use features, location of usage, jobs performed, Service configurations, browser type and version, error logs, and e-mails you view; and. Device data usa jobs government jobs login page six sigmacare login microsoft device address olgin other unique device identifying numbers, type of device, software and hardware attributes, your operating system, system and performance data, and mobile application permissions including cellular data, geolocation, access to photos, camera, calendars, and reminders.

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Public sources. We collect personal data from publicly accessible websites and government sources, including your name, email address, and other profile data such as job title, employer name, and professional expertise. We combine personal data about you usa jobs government jobs login page six sigmacare login microsoft your use of the Services with other personal data to make inferences about you or our Customers.

We may produce insights with the help of independent sources and processors. If you believe that your personal data was improperly collected or provided to use by one of the sources described above, please contact us at privacy governmentjobs. If your employer has sponsored your access to our App, we will only collect from you the minimum personal information necessary to set up your initial access to the App name, email address. Thereafter, your access to and use of the App will be anonymous and will not be tracked.

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We disclose personal data to our Customers your current or potential employer that utilize our services. For instance, when a job applicant responds to a job posting, we will share your personal data with the employer in order to facilitate the job search and hiring process.

We joba personal data with services providers to provide services on our behalf. For instance, we use service providers to facilitate our support services, data security, email, web hosting, research and analytics, data enrichment services, deliver and help us track our marketing and advertising content, process credit card payments, deliver payroll processing and disbursements, coordinate our customer conferences, and manage our sales and customer relations.

We share personal data with analytics and advertising companies that may act as our processor and a controller in other instances. We work with other entities to perform research, under controls that are designed to protect your privacy. We publish or allow others to publish insights, presented as either aggregated, anonymized, de-identified, or non-personal data.

If you download or access content on our Services or attend an slx or webinar we host or co-host, we may share your personal data with sponsors of the event or webinar. We may also share personal data where you provide your consent or post your personal data publicly. Where required by law, additional consent is obtained before personal data is transferred to us or forwarded to other parties. For usa jobs government jobs login page six sigmacare login microsoft, we share personal data with background check providers if a job applicant consents and we are instructed to do so by our Customers.

During your use of the Services, you may have the opportunity to visit or link to other websites, including websites by third parties unaffiliated with us. We have no relationship or control over unaffiliated websites. These websites might collect personal data about you, and you should review the privacy policies of such other websites to see how they treat your jobs usa gov federal jobs in houston weather channel data.

We also share personal data governkent data in order to meet any applicable law, regulation, legal process or enforceable governmental request, investigate violations and enforce policies, detect, prevent, or otherwise address fraud, protect against harm to the rights, property or safety of our users or the public, protect your vital interests or the vital miicrosoft of another natural person; and where disclosure is necessary for establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims or where there is reasonable belief that disclosure is required by usa jobs government jobs login page six sigmacare login microsoft or regulations.

We may transfer or disclose personal data to another entity who acquires or may acquire any or all of our business units, whether such acquisition is by way of merger, consolidation or purchase of all or a substantial portion of our assets, or bankruptcy.

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Other data gathering mechanisms, such as web beacons, HTML Storage Objects, and web tags, are used by us and our service providers to gather more specific data on your usa jobs government jobs login page six sigmacare login microsoft.

A web beacon also called a web bug or clear GIF is a graphic on a webpage or in an email message that is designed to monitor who is reading sitmacare page or message. Web beacons are often skx because they are mircosoft only 1-by-1 pixel in size. Web beacons are often used alongside cookies to track activity. Web beacons may be used to add data to a profile about a site visited, provide an independent accounting of how many people have visited a website, gather statistics about usage, among other things.

Your data rights for personal data where we are the data controller. Usa jobs government jobs login page six sigmacare login microsoft can review and enforce your personal data rights through your account, communications you receive from us, third party mechanisms, or with the assistance of our support team using the emails at the end of this Policy.

For instance, you can:. Your data rights for personal data you submit to our Customers. Upon making your personal data available to an employer our Customeryour personal data may be usa jobs government jobs login page six sigmacare login microsoft by our Customer.


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By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. To learn more, view our Privacy Policy. To browse Academia. Brian Harney. Abstract A review of key contributions in HRM-performance research indicates methodological frailties and an explanatory void concerning why or how HRM performance impacts take effect.

This paper considers whether such limitations are attributable to the very scientific perspective that has informed research. In this case prospective solutions will bgo beyond methodological fine-tuning to involve explorations of the ontological assumptions that underpin research.

Johanna Weststar. Abstract This paper examines the propensity of video game developers to engage in collective action as a response to their employment risks.

Mobilization theory Tilly, , Kelly, states that workers will move toward collective action if they perceive employment conditions as an 'injustice'and attribute that injustice to an external source ie, the employer or industry at large. Robin Price. David Peetz. Michael Gillan. Helen Masterman-Smith. Raigul Sadyrova. Doug Davies. This paper empirically assesses some of the propositions relating to the positive impacts of the introduction of AWAs and individual contracts within the Australian workplace.

The prescribing practitioner is responsible for ensuring that the prescription conforms to all requirements of both state and federal regulations.

All controlled substance prescriptions written by Indiana licensed practitioners [ as defined by IC ] must be issued on approved security feature prescription pad paper [ IAC ] in order for their prescriptions to be accepted for filling in Indiana licensed pharmacies. The name of any controlled substance may not be preprinted on any prescription forms at any time prior to the prescription being prepared and executed for presentation to the patient or the patient's agent.

Commercially printed forms containing names of controlled substances are also prohibited. While some states and insurance carriers limit the quantity of controlled substances dispensed to a day supply, there are no specific federal limits to quantities of drugs dispensed via a prescription.

Indiana law does not address quantities, therefore we require you to defer to federal guidelines. Indiana law requires that a prescription for a schedule II prescription must be filled within one 1 year of being signed.

Schedule III, IV, and V controlled substances shall be filled or refilled no more than six 6 months after the date on which such prescription was issued, and no prescription shall be authorized to be refilled more than five 5 times. If you have any questions, you may contact the Committee office at pla4 pla.

The DEA has revised its regulations regarding the issuance of multiple prescriptions for schedule II controlled substances. A prescribing practitioner may issue multiple prescriptions authorizing the patient to receive a total of up to a day supply of a schedule II controlled substance provided the following conditions are met:. In case of an emergency situation, a pharmacist may dispense a controlled substance listed as a schedule II upon receiving oral authorization of a prescribing practitioner, provided the following:.

Indiana Code states that only a physician licensed under IC A physician licensed under IC Every DEA registrant is required to notify the DEA field office in their area of any theft or significant loss of controlled substances upon its discovery.

Please use the link listed below to access the DEA Form This form needs to be submitted online to the DEA. Indiana law requires that the registrant notify the Indiana Board of Pharmacy in writing of any theft or significant loss of any controlled substances upon discovery of such theft or loss.

Report of Lost or Stolen Controlled Substances. What is an electronic prescription? The only difference between a regular prescription and an electronic prescription is that an electronic prescription contains the electronic signature of the practitioner and is transmitted in accordance with relevant law. An e-prescription originates with the prescribing practitioner using a computer, sending the prescription through an approved electronic data intermediary "EDI" , to a receiving pharmacy's computer.

The prescription software used by the prescriber must submit the prescription through an approved EDI in order for the e-prescription to be considered valid. What is an approved EDI? An EDI is an entity that provides the infrastructure that connects a computer system used by a prescribing practitioner with a computer system used by a pharmacy. The EDI facilitates the secure transmission of an electronic prescription order, a refill authorization request, a communication, and other patient care information between a practitioner and a pharmacy.

The EDI is required to submit an application and be approved by the Board. An applicant for approval must submit an application and information regarding how they will guarantee the security of the prescription; the practitioner's identity and privacy; and the patient's identity, privacy, and confidentiality. What is an electronic signature? An electronic sound, symbol, or process attached to or logically associated with an electronically transmitted prescription that is adopted by a person, who intends to sign the electronic prescription.

Can controlled substances be electronically transmitted? IC was updated to allow electronic prescribing of controlled substances, to follow federal law. In order to electronically prescribe controlled substances, some of the major DEA requirements prescribers must adhere to include :.

Is a prescription that is sent via computer to a pharmacy's fax considered an electronic prescription? A faxed prescription has requirements set out in IAC ; a faxed prescription must also meet the requirements of IC If you have any questions, please contact the Pharmacy Board at pla4 pla.

Whittemore surescripts. Robert Russell Phone: E-mail: rrussell sigmacare. EDI: Vetstreet, Inc. Phone: E-mail: catherine. EDI: Omnicare W.

Barnes Phone: E-mail: darold. Phone: E-mail address: isusnow newcroprx. Phone: ext Email address: darold. Church St. Amina Chaudhry Phone: email: achaudhry kaleido-health. The Indiana Board of Pharmacy, in anticipation of the mandatory electronic prescribing requirements effective Jan. Statutorily created exemptions to the e-prescribing requirements may be found at IC A copy of the rule may be found HERE. If a prescriber's application for a waiver is approved by the Board, it will run concurrent with the prescriber's controlled substance registration CSR.

Therefore, a prescriber must renew their e-prescribing waiver if 1 their CSR has expired; and 2 the waiver is still needed to prescribe controlled substances. To Apply: 1. The Prescriber should login to, or create, their AccessIndiana account at the link above. Once logged in, select 'Initial Applications' from the left-hand column.

Complete the prompts to submit the application to the Board of Pharmacy. NOTE: A prescriber must identify which of the categories approved by the board they are eligible for then complete the waiver request at the link below or submitting an paper application found at the bottom of this this page. Recognized Exceptions 1- A prescriber who demonstrates electronically transmitted prescriptions for controlled substances creates an economic hardship on behalf of the Prescriber.

Code w Code r. Waivers are not required for drug orders. The prescriber should log into their AccessIndiana account at the link above. Once logged in, select "Renew" to the right of the prescriber's e-prescribing number. Complete the prompts to submit the renewal of the waiver to the Board of Pharmacy, ensuring that you provide documentation as to why you still require the waiver. This tool can be used to verify if the prescriber has an approved or pending application with the Board.

A pharmacist can search using the waiver number, the prescriber's name, or the prescriber's CSR number. Prescribers who have pending waiver requests before the Board are authorized by the rule to indicate that a waiver is pending on their written or call-in prescriptions so that they may continue to prescribe for patients while the Board reviews their application.

Pursuant to Indiana law, the pharmacist filling the prescription shall exercise their professional judgment in the best interest of the patient's health when reviewing all prescriptions and maintains ultimate discretion in filling the prescription.

A copy of the application form can be found HERE. This is effective:. EPCS requires the individual practitioner be responsible for ensuring the prescription conforms to all legal requirements and the pharmacist, acting under the authority of the DEA-registered pharmacy, has a corresponding responsibility to ensure the prescription is valid and meets all legal requirements.

Review of an EPCS application must be thorough in order to provide the prescriber and pharmacist the level of assurance needed in order to use the application.

The Indiana Board of Pharmacy and the Indiana Professional Licensing Agency are prohibited from providing legal advice on issues contained in the laws and regulations. For legal advice, please consult an attorney. The most current version of the Indiana statutes and rules may be accessed using the citations below. Title 16 Article Regulation of Food Drugs and Cosmetics. Title 35 Article 43 Offenses Against Property.

Title 25 Article 0. Title 25 Article 1. General Provisions. Title 25 Article Pharmacists, Pharmacies, Drug Stores. Title 35 Article 48 Controlled Substances. Synthetic Drugs. Title , Article 2 Controlled Substances. Title , Article 1 Pharmacies and Pharmacists. Title , Article 3 Wholesale Legend Drugs. Title , Article 5 Automated Medication Systems. Indiana Code Controlled substances listed in IC are included in Schedule I.

Emergency rules adopted by the Indiana Board of Pharmacy become effective thirty 30 days after filing with the publisher. Emergency rules adopted by the Board expire on June 30 of the year following the year in which the rules were filed with the publisher.

The Indiana Board of Pharmacy has promulgated the following emergency rules in accordance with IC The following is for informational purposes only. This does not and should not be construed as official legal advice or policy from the Indiana Board of Pharmacy. Always review any state or federal regulations that may help answer your question, and if needed seek private counsel.

The Board is unable to provide specific legal advice. This was last updated March 8, USP is not a regulatory body. This means that the standards they develop are not legal requirements.

Their standards only become a legal requirement if the standards are adopted as state or federal law. If either occurs, the Indiana Board of Pharmacy will provide notice to all licensed pharmacies in the state.

However, beware that other organizations, such as accrediting bodies, may require USP It is best to consult with your private counsel to determine if any regulating body overseeing your operations requires compliance with USP Yes, provided all the required elements of a prescription are present.

However, the answer is no if the prescription is for a controlled substance. All non-electronic prescriptions for a controlled substance must be printed on security paper that has been approved by the Indiana Board of Pharmacy.

Prescriptions utilized by pharmacists to record call-in prescriptions, transferred prescriptions, or facsimile prescriptions do not need to use security prescription paper. Finally, the name of a controlled substance may not be preprinted on any prescription at any time before the prescription is being prepared and executed.

That includes such activities as typing prescriptions in anticipation of their need, or using a rubber stamp to accomplish the same end. Can our pharmacy fill prescriptions written by physician assistants and nurse practitioners in another state?

A pharmacist may fill a prescription written by an out-of-state provider, provided they are licensed in that state, and the pharmacist has taken reasonable steps to determine whether the prescription was issued in compliance with the laws of the state where it originated.

Pharmacy permits cannot be transferred between locations or owners. If there is a change of ownership, an application for change of ownership should be made no later than 10 days after the change in ownership.

The original permit will remain valid until a new permit is issued or the application is rejected. Whether or not a change of ownership has occurred must be determined by the facility. The ultimate inquiry is whether there has been a change in who has control over the operations of the facility. Things to consider include a change in corporate identity, a change in a parent organization or a change of legal tax identification number. A change of officers does not constitute a change of ownership if the corporate structure remains the same.

If in doubt, it best to obtain a new permit. The purpose of the program is to identify legitimate pharmacy websites. Internet pharmacies should be evaluated carefully to determine whether they are engaged in the legitimate, safe practice of pharmacy. Most of these dispensed drugs without a valid prescription. To access the list, please visit this page. For more information regarding the statutes and rules regulating home medical equipment services providers, please review them below. For legal interpretations, please refer to your legal counsel; the Board office does not interpret the rules and regulations.

A license is required to provide home medical equipment services to an unrelated individual in the individual's residence. For more information on licensure, please go here. Additional Information For questions regarding the Indiana HME license, please contact our office by e-mail at pla4 pla. If you are closing out you Indiana wholesale drug distributor license due to closure of the facility or you are no longer shipping into or within Indiana, then you need to submit the closing information in writing to our office along with your original registration card.

This may be mailed to our office at the following address:. If you have any questions, please contact our office at pla4 pla. For more information regarding the statutes and rules regulating wholesale drug distributors, please review them below. Any individual, partnership, limited liability company, corporation or business firm located in or outside Indiana and is physically distributing legend drugs or passing title into or within the state of Indiana is required to hold an Indiana wholesale drug distributor license as well as have obtained the Verified Accredited Wholesale Distributors VAWD accreditation.

This term does not include a common carrier or person hired solely to transport prescription drugs. The term includes any human drug required by federal law or regulation to be dispensed only by a prescription, including finished dosage forms and active ingredients subject to 21 USC through The term does not include a device or a device component, part, or accessory. Wholesale Distribution Defined "Wholesale distribution" means to distribute legend drugs to persons other than a consumer or patient.

Questions If you have additional questions, please e-mail our office at pla4 pla. As of July 1, , Senate Enrolled Act made certain changes to the ephedrine and pseudoephedrine laws in the State of Indiana, specifically to the purchase limits, electronic tracking of drugs purchased, and convenience package storage areas.

PSE and Ephedrine Purchase Limits for both regular and convenience package sales As of July 1, , the new law changed the ephedrine and pseudoephedrine limits that may be purchased by an individual in the following ways:.

Retailer Requirements and Electronic Sales Tracking As of July 1, , a retailer may sell a nonprescription drug that contains the active ingredient of ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, or both only if the retailer complies with the following conditions a "retailer" is defined as a grocery store, general merchandise store, drug store, or other similar establishment where PSE or ephedrine products are available for sale :.

The warning sign must list the new maximum amounts of ephedrine or pseudoephedrine that may be purchased in both grams and milligrams. Please make sure that you have new signage in place reflecting the new limits!

Storage and Sales Area for a Retailer Selling Convenience Packages As of July 1, , a retailer may not sell drugs containing more than sixty 60 milligrams of ephedrine or pseudoephedrine, or both in any one 1 transaction if the drugs are sold in convenience packages. A retailer who sells convenience packages must secure the convenience packages behind the counter in an area inaccessible to a customer or in a locked display case that makes the drug unavailable to a customer without the assistance of an employee.

At this time, the Indiana Board of Pharmacy is NOT maintaining this database or receipt of information — licensees must work directly with the vendor to achieve compliance.

However, starting in January , the Board will be checking during routine quality assurance inspections to ensure that pharmacies have been contacted by Appriss and are successfully reporting sales data to the system. Click on the link for Indiana and then on the survey link for pharmacies. For additional information on the new system, compatibility, and how the system will work, please contact Appriss, Inc. Also, click here to read a notification from the Indiana Sheriffs' Association providing additional detail concerning this project and the enforcement and compliance timelines.

For additional information on this new law, please see the link provided above for SEA This Act also contains additional information on stop sale alerts, permissible quantities to sell, and compliance requirements. The pharmacy permit and controlled substance registration as well as licenses of all pharmacists, pharmacist interns, technicians, and techncians-in-training shall be prominently displayed in an area where customers at the prescription counter can readily see them.

IC : Closing of Pharmacies. If a pharmacy will be closed for five 5 consecutive days or more, the permit holder shall notify their Board Compliance Officer and take such steps to secure the drugs in the pharmacy as the Compliance Officer may direct.

If a pharmacy is to be permanently closed for any reason, the owner or qualifying pharmacist shall notify the Board office, not less than twenty 20 days before the transfer of any controlled substances, at pla4 pla. If you are seeking a pharmacist license in another state, and require your Indiana intern hours to be transferred to that state, you must make a request in writing to our office.

The request and fee must be submitted to the Indiana Board of Pharmacy at the following address:. A pharmacy technician is an individual, licensed by the Indiana Board of Pharmacy, who works under the direct supervision of a licensed pharmacist and assists the pharmacist in the technical and nonjudgmental functions related to the practice of pharmacy in the processing of prescriptions and drug orders. The pharmacist is responsible for the work performed by the pharmacy technician. The public must be able to distinguish between a pharmacist and pharmacy technician.

A pharmacy technician shall wear identification stating they are a pharmacy technician and they must identify themselves verbally in any telephone or electronic communication as a pharmacy technician. A record of the pharmacy technician training and education must be maintained in the pharmacy where the technician is employed and shall include the following:. The Technician Training Program. The contents of the training program include specific training in duties required to assist a pharmacist in the technical functions associated with the practice of pharmacy, and shall include, at a minimum, the following:.

All controlled substance prescriptions written by Indiana licensed practitioners [as defined by IC ] must comply with DEA regulations and IAC in order for their prescriptions to be accepted for filling in Indiana licensed pharmacies. A listing of approved security feature prescription pad vendors may be found below. To view approved providers of Security Feature Prescription Paper, click here.

Application Information Printers wishing to supply prescription blanks to authorized recipients must submit the above application and a proof to be reviewed by the Board.

If approved, the printer will be added to our list of approved providers of security feature prescription paper. If you are not approved by the Indiana Board of Pharmacy to provide security feature prescription paper to authorized recipients, you cannot do so until you are approved. Please note that your organization does not need approval to conduct prescription security paper business in Indiana under the following circumstances:.

Security Feature Prescription Pad Requirements All controlled substance prescriptions must contain the following security features:.

Questions If you have any questions, please email the Indiana Board of Pharmacy at pla4 pla. Indiana law requires that a nonresident pharmacy must notify the Board of Pharmacy within thirty 30 days after any change of corporate officer or pharmacist in charge. Notification may be made to the Board by e-mailing pla4 pla. Please include the Indiana registration number of the nonresident pharmacy along with the new individual's name, home state license number and the effective date.



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